Measure access to natural areas for members of vulnerable urban communities.
Equity | Local | Hinterland | Global |
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Complete the advanced or basic indicator as follows:
Basic: Calculate the percentage of residents living within a walkable distance (300 m) of a public, open access natural area.
Advanced: Calculate the percentage of residents in the lowest income quintile (lowest 20%) living within a walkable distance (300 m) of a public, open access natural area.
Calculate the average share of a city’s built-up area considered as green/blue* space for public use.
* Blue spaces are defined as “outdoor environments – either natural or manmade – that prominently feature water and are accessible to humans either proximally (being in, on or near water) or distally/virtually (being able to see, hear or otherwise sense water)” (Grellier et al., 2017, p. 3)